Scrambled eggs on a white plate.


Ancient Romans Used This Secret Sweet Ingredient In Scrambled Eggs
There are a seemingly endless amount of ways to “perfect” scrambled eggs. One idea given to us from ancient Rome may be one of the most unique: honey.
From “De Re Coquinaria,” a cookbook thought to be compiled by first-century foodie Apicius, comes an egg recipe in the form of a type of omelet topped with honey.
Going by the name ova spongia ex lacte, meaning spongy eggs with milk, the proportions for this recipe are one cup of milk and two tablespoons of oil for every 4 eggs.
Beat the ingredients, then cook the eggs (some translations say fry, others say bake) in more oil, and when it’s done, top it with black pepper and honey.
Some chefs have come up with their own spin on this first-century innovation, with a few of them leaning into the sweeter side by using honey in combination with fruits and nuts.
Other cooks go sweet and savory with their eggs. Some scramble them with honey and cheese, while others eschew the cheese in their honied eggs and go for garlic instead.
Even Albert Einstein is alleged to have enjoyed eggs fried in butter and honey, and a similar dish known as huevos fritos con miel (fried eggs with honey) is known in Colombia.