Food - News

Here's What Happened To The Real Little Debbie
Little Debbie is much more than a mascot of sweets and treats, and she was actually based on a very real person, who remains an active part of the company to this day. Little Debbie's real name is Debbie McKee, and she's the granddaughter of the company's founders, who would become a businesswoman too.
In 1960, the McKees needed a logo for their brand — and based on the suggestion of their packaging supplier — commissioned the pin-up artist Pearl Frush Mann to draw the logo based on a picture of their then-four-year-old Debbie wearing a straw hat. The new mascot was a hit and Debbie has remained the company’s face since then.
As someone who grew up helping her grandparents' company, it might not come as a surprise to learn that Debbie also joined the family business when she grew up. Now, Debbie McKee-Fowler, she joined the company's leadership team and works as its executive vice president, and also serves on McKee Foods' board of directors.