For many people, Costco’s $1.50 hot dog combo is the best part of shopping at the retail giant. However, one recent tweet about the hot dog meal almost broke the Twitterverse and shocked loyal Costco customers.
The social media explosion happened shortly after @JohnWRichKid tweeted that the Costco hot dog combo price increased by $1 due to inflation. It took Twitter by surprise, and the Republican Conference of the United States House of Representatives even tweeted about it, quick to blame Joe Biden for the alleged price hike.
However, the whole thing turned out to be a hoax, as the account owner admitted he was just stirring up trouble. Despite the tweet, Costco’s stock has actually been plummeting, dropping 11.9% on Wednesday afternoon due to investors' caution around the effects of inflation, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be raising hot dog prices.