With food prices on the rise, many have opted to invest in growing their food garden, but is it worth it? Planting and tending to a veggie garden can be a lot of work, especially in the first year, and there are many things to consider before pursuing such.
It is essential to have the right tools for gardening, and these can be expensive, but on the upside, most of these things are one-time purchases. Raised gardens, like Vegepod, are great for those with knee or back pain, but raised gardening still means that one will have to invest in soil.
For those who opt to grow vegetables from seed, start with some varieties that can grow indoors and invest in a sun lamp if there is not enough sunlight. Pre-grown plants at a nursery and herb and vegetable plants can be expensive, so starting small is best.
The waiting period can be a drag for some, so be sure to choose the right veggies. According to Your Homestead Journey, quick growers like lettuce and green beans take about 70 days, while the dawdling pepper or carrot can take up to four months.
Herbs are great to be grown at home, and Greenhouse Today says that a single tomato plant can produce roughly "10 to 30 pounds of tomatoes." The Vancouver Sun adds that zucchini makes "hundreds of kilos of fruit" with each seed package.