LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 23: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Queen Elizabeth II visits the British Airways headquarters to mark their centenary year at Heathrow Airport on May 23, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

Food - News

The Surprising American Food Queen Elizabeth Can’t Get Enough Of
By Maria Scinto
As the ruler of a nation, Queen Elizabeth II needs to pay great attention to the little details of her life — including what she eats. However, that doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy the fun and the tasty; in fact, her favorite fast food is actually the good ‘ol American burger.
As former palace chef Darren McGrady revealed, however, the queen isn't much of a fan of Big Macs. Instead, she has her royal chefs make burgers to her own specifications — with the meat of free-roaming deer from the grounds of Balmoral Castle, the royal family’s Scottish summer cottage.
Some of these venison burgers may not have been prepared by chefs like McGrady, but by Prince Philip himself. The Duke of Edinburgh had a not-so-secret passion for cooking; aside from taking over work in the palace kitchens once, he was also described as a true “master of the barbecue” by his grandson Prince Harry.
While the queen’s burgers may come with all the trimmings, they don’t come with buns or ketchup. Her Victorian upbringing dictates that she must avoid eating with her fingers and using “messy” sauces, so she eats them with a knife and fork — but it’s nice to know that she enjoys the same stuff we do in her own way!