Sauce packets against a green background.

Food - News

Why Haven't We Learned From Japan's Genius Sauce Packet Design?
In the U.S., we expect that once we tear open a sachet of ketchup, mustard, or mayo, it will get all over our fingers, come out in blobs, and generally make a mess.
However, in Japan, sauce packets contain ketchup on one side and mustard on the other. When the sides are squeezed together, a steady stream of sauce is released without trouble.
On TikTok, foodie Soy Nguyen showed exactly how these packets work. The perforated holes on the front of the packet allow the sauce to easily flow onto whatever food awaits it.
It may be a new concept in the U.S., but eateries in Australia and New Zealand have been using these packets, created by Sanford Redmond and dubbed the "DispenSRpak," for 30 years.
The design earned Redmond an award in 1986 and was featured in Manhattan’s Museum of Modern Art. The concept eventually made its way Down Under and to parts of Mexico.
These containers have been around since the ‘90s in Australia. Sadly, the U.S. is still waiting on them to become a thing; until then, we'll have to endure our sticky fingers.