The Food Network show "Kids Baking Championship" brings together the best young bakers to compete under the mentorship of the show's co-hosts and judges, Duff Goldman and Valerie Bertinelli. In each episode, kids face off in themed baking challenges — but at the end of the episode, you'll only see Goldman announce which baker won't continue to the next round.
Both judges’ opinions matter equally towards who is eliminated, but Bertinelli admitted on the very first day of filming that she couldn't bring herself to put any of the kids on the chopping block. Bertinelli has plenty of praise for her co-host’s handling of it, saying, “Duff does such a good job, you can see his heart bleeding while he does it."
Bertinelli always looks on the bright side, noting in an interview that eliminated contestants still come away with an important lesson. "Not everybody can win," she said. "So you do your best, you try your best, you give it your all, and if you still don't make it, it's OK.”