One Of The Best Ways To Eat A Peach, According To Ted Allen

Ripe tomatoes (and key lime pie) aside, peaches are the garden-grown love child of summer. Their sweet, juicy flesh makes for the perfect refresher on a hot summer day. Plus, peaches taste delicious on almost everything, from summer salads and yogurt parfaits to fresh burrata and oven-fired pizzas. And of course, how could we forget cobbler?


Peaches are delicious, but they're also highly nutritious. They're packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, but that's not all. Peaches also contain antioxidants, a compound that can shield your body from getting sick. It's been proven that the fuzzy fruit can help with digestion and lower risk factors for heart disease, specifically high blood pressure. They can even potentially help reduce the risk of cancer! All in all, peaches are super healthy and yummy, but if you've ever eaten one, you know they can be a bit messy. That's where "Chopped" host Ted Allen comes in.

Twitter agrees with Ted

Here's the truth: snacking on peaches can be a messy affair. Between the neverending stream of juice and having to navigate around the pit, you'll probably have to change your shirt afterwards. Luckily, "Chopped" host Ted Allen took to Twitter to offer some advice. Earlier this month, the TV personality shared a photo of fresh peaches and added, "The only food I love as much as a perfect tomato is a perfect peach. Nothing else comes close." The tweet was actually a retweet of another post of his, where he divulged the best way to eat a peach. "Just ate a #peach standing over the sink, and I recommend it," the tweet read.


Fans and fellow peach lovers chimed in immediately. One person commented, "If you don't have to eat it over the sink it's not a peach worth eating!" Another Twitter user voiced their agreement: "Only way to eat em baby!!!" 

Someone else wrote, "If you don't need eat it over a sink then you shouldn't eat the peach," prompting Allen to respond with one word: "Word." Suffice to say, Ted Allen and everyone on Twitter thinks the best way to eat a peach is over the sink.

