Why Drunk History Fans Might Like The Food That Built America

The History Channel is getting ready to release the latest season of its TV show, "The Food That Built America," on February 27. According to The History Channel, the show will offer viewers the opportunity to learn more about the stories linked to some of their most-loved brands and will include "dramatic recreations, fascinating facts, and expert commentary" on food items that Americans have grown to love over the years. In this edition, the episodes will shed light on the stories associated with legendary names such as Orville Redenbacher, Debbi Fields (the founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies), and Ettore Boiardi, the founder of Chef Boyardee, among others.

Showrunner Yoshi Stone told The Wrap in a conversation that popular brands have an undeniable nostalgia value attached to them. "There are great stories, but the stories matter to you more because the products are so familiar and most people have some kind of an emotional bond with at least some of them," he explained before adding, "And I think that creates a uniquely easy entry point."

Stone also said something interesting: he believes that those who've liked watching the Comedy Central television series, "Drunk History" will find that "The Food That Built America" is equally engaging for a specific reason.

There's an interesting angle here

As far as Yoshi Stone is concerned, "Drunk History" and "Food That Built America" appeal to audiences because of "a unique angle" that allow fans to feel a lot more connected with the stories that are being covered (via The Wrap). Stone said, "The great thing about a docudrama is that you're not just presenting facts in a vacuum; you're getting personal perspectives from the people behind these brands." Furthermore, he implied that it's powerful to watch how an individual fought different "trials and tribulations" to create something that is now loved across the U.S.

Stone further clarified that while the show isn't exactly like "Drunk History," it is a fun watch and shares a few similarities with the popular TV show. The showrunner added, "I mean, the thing that I like about the show is that not only is it surprising and informative, but I think that when it's really hitting on all cylinders, it's also just kind of charming."