TikTok's Pancake Cereal Has Finally Made Its Grocery Store Debut

Three years ago, much of the world was hunkered down against the coronavirus pandemic, staying home with Netflix, board games, books and jigsaw puzzles. So perhaps it shouldn't have been a surprise that, as people were living this strange new life, the kitchen became sort of an indoor playground. Across the social media platform TikTok, a plethora of strange — and sometimes strangely appealing — ideas for home-created cuisine proliferated. Sure, there were some troubling food trends emerging on the social media platform, like pickles wrapped in cotton candy or macaroni and cheese embellished with Flamin' Hot Cheetos. But amid those over-the-top culinary misadventures, there was at least one "Why didn't I think of that?" moment with — drum roll, please — pancake cereal.

Making pancake cereal is simple, although maybe a little labor-intensive — likely a welcome distraction in the homebound pandemic days. After making the pancake batter, you simply put it into a squeeze bottle. If you don't have a squeeze bottle, a plastic freezer bag with a corner cut out will do. Then, you simply squirt tiny dollops of batter onto a hot skillet, scoop up the little morsels of pancake goodness as they get done and put them in a bowl. There are opportunities to get a little fancier with your pancake cereal if you're so inclined. For instance, one TikTok video from 2020 from chef and food influencer My Nguyen, shows how to use strawberry-flavored Nesquik to give a flavor kick to your pancake cereal. Now, it's available for purchase.

Some of us don't have to make pancake cereal — for now

It still sounds like fun to have pancake cereal for breakfast. But, unlike during the homebound pandemic days, the work to get the miniature delights into a bowl seems a little daunting while trying to get yourself to work and the kids to school. So breakfast food company Belgian Boys has debuted its Pancake Cereal in select Target stores. Advertising for Pancake Cereal makes it clear Belgian Boys was inspired by TikTok. In its announcement rolling out Pancake Cereal, Belgian Boys notes it was "the trend that set the internet on fire." And, the announcement continues, "We just knew it needed to go from our FYP to our fridge ASAP."

Priced at $5.99, the nearly 10-ounce package includes four packets of Pancake Cereal, which must be refrigerated as they wait to be popped into the microwave. But if you want to try Pancake Cereal, you need to hurry; it's only going to be available for a limited time. Since Pancake Cereal has only been out for a few days, there aren't any reviews readily available. But if the Bite-Sized Pancakes that have been available from Belgian Boys are any indication, Pancake Cereal likely will be a hit. Bite-Sized Pancakes, fluffier and airer than regular pancakes, are Belgian Boys' take on poffertjes, a sweet Dutch treat often topped with powdered sugar. On the Target website, reviews of Bite-Sized Pancakes are overwhelmingly positive.