Read This If You Recently Bought Salmon Burgers From Costco

If you have a package of salmon burgers in your freezer from a recent Costco trip, now's the time to double-check the packaging. Recent bags of Trident Seafoods' Pacific Salmon Burgers, available at Costco, have been issued a recall (via Click Orlando). If you prefer not to waste the expense, you can also take your purchased salmon burgers back to your local Coscto for a full refund (via Eat This, Not That).

If you've already opened and eaten one of these burgers, try not to stress too much. This recall is not from Salmonella or a food borne illness, so you won't need to sanitize the whole house beyond your usual raw food preparation. Instead, this specific batch of salmon patties may contain small pieces of metal (via FDA). Small pieces of metal like this are often a side effect of packaging and processing gone wrong (via Intech Open), like a cutting tool that starts to break off. Metal fragments are not known to be a risk for bacteria, but rather, they can pose a risk of choking or other physical injury. Fortunately, there have been no reports of illness or injury from these patties to date. We applaud Trident for pro-actively issuing a voluntary recall to protect consumers. 

What to check on your package of Pacific Salmon Burgers

If you have a 3-pound (48 ounces) package of salmon burgers from Trident Seafoods in your freezer, here's what to check. According to the FDA, the specific fish affected will have labels with the following: "Lot Number GC101431" along with a "Best By 01/14/2023." Trident Seafoods offers many additional seafood products including other salmon products, so make sure you double-check your labels to make sure you have the right one. Only the specific lot number of salmon burgers sold at Costco has been reported to be affected, and all other products should be fine. In other words, other Trident Seafoods products that Costco sells, such as their Smoked Sockeye Salmon, don't come under this specific voluntary recall (via Costco).

Those who have concerns are asked to contact the Consumer Affairs team at 1-866-413-4749 or to contact them via email at