Twitter Can't Stop Laughing About This Almond Milk Review

These days, dairy-free alternatives are starting to get popular as more consumers explore alternative milk options. According to Everyday Health, something like oat milk works well even for those on a gluten-free diet. It's a creamy alternative to dairy and can work well with smoothies, hot beverages, and more. Pistachio milk is another solid option especially for those that have diabetes — it has no added sugar and is great even for those on ketogenic diets. 


It is also a useful add-on in the baking process and can be used to make delicious treats like muffins and bread. Another keto-friendly option is macadamia milk. It works well for drinks like lattes or you can use it to spruce up a beverage like a traditional piña colada. Speaking of dairy-free alternatives, Twitter users are currently discussing almond milk, particularly a savage review that dismisses it as an option that's even worth considering.

Twitter users were amused by the harsh comment

Someone wrote on Twitter that they aren't big fans of almond milk. "It tastes like you soaked printer paper in water," they wrote. "I can't believe the life I led before Mrs Oat." Many users seemed to find the humor in this take on almond milk. A commentator wrote that they're genuinely puzzled as to how anyone enjoys drinking almond milk. Another follower of the posted added, "I know everyone thinks soy is old news but I still love and respect her." A different commentator wrote that they prefer cashew milk because it's tastes a lot like cow's milk. 


In order to get the best brand of non-dairy milk that you can find, Business Insider recommends looking at several factors like the brand, total calories, fat, and added sugar. The easiest way to decide is to study the nutrition label, make an informed choice, and of course look at reviews about what it tastes like.

