Alex Guarnaschelli Just Clapped Back At An Instagram Turkey Diss

Alex Guarnaschelli has definitely made an impressive mark on the culinary world. The food personality has not only appeared on numerous shows like "Iron Chef America" and "Chopped," she's also written multiple cookbooks. And if that weren't enough to indicate Guarnaschelli is an expert in all things food, the fact that she's run her own successful restaurant in New York called Butter for nearly 20 years, just might be. However, it appears that not everyone is sold on her authority in the kitchen.

Guarnaschelli recently took to Instagram to share a Thanksgiving turkey recipe with her fans. She posted a picture of the large bird and explained in her caption that it's a butter soaked cheesecloth oven turkey that contains unsalted butter, onions, celery, and rosemary. The host then listed out instructions on how to prepare the bird by heating the oven to 450 Fahrenheit and soaking the cheesecloth in butter to keep the turkey from getting burned. While most of her followers were excited to read about the recipe, there was one that wasn't so impressed.

Alex Guarnaschelli's followers have mixed reactions to her turkey technique

The majority of Guarnaschelli's fans on Instagram praised the dish, writing things like, "Oh definitely trying this one" and "I've made my Turkey like this for the last 2 years and it's delicious!!!" But it wouldn't truly be the internet without a few detractors. One user said they were skeptical about using cheesecloth because they thought it would dry out the bird. While another wrote, "So how much of these ideas are just 'well, no one else tried to put a gym sock, a tarantula and the bark of a maple tree together before so why not try?'" This comment seemed to particularly bother the celebrity chef.

Guarnaschelli responded back to the dig, "Sorry you feel that way. This is actually been how my family has made turkey for over 50 years. This is not a shoestring concept." Guarnaschelli's followers also had her back and replied to the naysayer, "A bit rude, no?" Another supporter fired back, "That's what we chefs do dude. @guarnaschelli could take said gym sock, tarantula and the bark of a maple tree and turn something out that would make you sh*t yourself. And you know this.....stop being a dick." Looks like if you decide to criticize the "Supermarket Stakeout" host, you should be prepared to deal with the wrath of her fans.