What Makes Twinings' New 'Superblend' Teas Unique

Drinking tea can come with a ton of potential benefits. According to Penn Medicine, certain varieties of this beverage may boost your immune system or reduce inflammation. Herbal tea made from chamomile may help you sleep or relax, while mint tea potentially helps settle upset stomachs. However, not all teas are created equal.


Rare Tea Co. reports that certain types of uncommon teas occasionally grace shelves and attract a considerable amount of attention. Shoppers might come across hand-rolled tea that was painstakingly processed by human hands instead of getting processed in a factory, while others might spot high-quality silver tip tea, which historically comes from the Fujian Province of China.

While these particular tea varieties might prove pricey or difficult to find, Twinings now plans to offer the next best thing. Per Fansided, the brand intends to release four new blends of tea: Sleep+, Immune Support+, Energy+, and Heartea+. Each blend is "fortified" with special ingredients; Twinings even claims that these "superblends" can improve the health of those who drink them.


Tea blends made with wellness in mind

According to Fansided, each Twinings tea blend offers something unique. Sleep+ comes with chamomile, vanilla, cinnamon, and Melatonin to potentially help drinkers sleep better, while Immune Support+ features green tea, mango flavor, ginger flavor, and vitamin C. Energy+ lives up to its name thanks to a blend of green tea, citrus, apple, and Vitamin B6, and Heartea+ is made from hibiscus tea with raspberry and Vitamin B1. Each box retails around $5.49 and can be found at most major stores or online via the Twinings website.


While these new tea blends may not be hand-rolled or super rare, each product comes fortified with extra vitamins and nutrients that purportedly boost the holistic effects of each beverage. The word's out on how well these teas actually work, but with any luck, these superblends might just help you keep you warm and well through the winter.

