Potato Milk Is The Internet's New Food Fad

When you feel like reaching for a latte or cappuccino and crave a new milk alternative, you have a ton of available options. According to GQ, anyone can grab some hemp milk, oat milk, coconut milk, or standbys like almond milk. While it seems like a huge variety of alternative milks have saturated the market in recent years, that hasn't stopped enterprising inventors from coming up with new ways to milk every food out there. Popsugar reports that you can now expect to see another dairy-free milk in your local supermarket in the near future.

Consumers across the U.K. and Sweden can now get their hands on potato milk, thanks to Dug, the leading commercial brand selling the drink. While Dug currently can't ship to America, that hasn't curbed the buzz surrounding this beverage. The brand claims that this milk alternative presents an environmentally sound alternative to traditional dairy, while having a very understated taste. Shoppers across America have to wait until the company can ship the product stateside, but in the meantime, milk lovers have already figured out a way to make this drink at home.

How to make your own potato milk

Potato milk has taken the internet by storm and some have even figured out how to make this drink at home. According to "Today," the general recipe just requires home cooks to boil potatoes and then blend the cooked spuds with water. You can also add some vanilla, salt, sugar, or maple syrup to taste. While the process sounds fairly simple, the results haven't been worth the effort for some. One reviewer claimed that the final product tasted terrible in most forms, and worked the best when served over breakfast cereal.

This homemade version of potato milk differs from Dug's formula. Eating Well states that Dug's version of the drink also contains rapeseed oil. While the brand currently dominates the potato milk market, it has opened the door for competitors who hope to make a splash with this milk alternative. In the meantime, you may have to settle for a homemade potato milk with a taste described at "Today" as "bitter, quite vegetal, most reminiscent of the smell of raw potato, with a smidge of dirt."