Why You Should Make Granola In Your Air Fryer

Eating a healthy batch of granola in the morning is a quick and easy way to give your body a boost of protein and fiber to start your day. Perfect for snacks, yogurt toppings, and a trail staple for avid hikers, granola can be prepared and mixed in tons of delicious ways. But if you're buying store-bought granola, it tends to be loaded with sugar and other additives.

Fortunately, making homemade granola is simple and hassle-free, especially when you use an air fryer instead of an oven. Rather than waiting for the oven to preheat, which can waste energy as it heats the whole space, air fryers provide a more efficient method that will save you a lot of time. 

Plus, with homemade granola, you have the option to flex your creativity and add whatever delicious ingredients you'd like into the mix, including your preferred amounts of sweeteners and salt.

How to make homemade granola in an air fryer

First things first: Grab all of your tasty ingredients and start mixing. Pour a cup of traditional rolled oats into a bowl along with coconut oil, almonds, and your sweetener of choice. Honey is a popular option, but you can also go with maple syrup, peanut butter, a hint of vanilla extract, or combine all of them for granola packed with all the flavor. Sprinkle in your salt and cinnamon before stirring everything well to combine. Your air fryer should be set to 350 F with the base of the basket lined with parchment paper before spooning your granola mixture onto it evenly.

You only have to wait a brief 10-15 minutes for the granola to be ready to eat. Be sure to check on it at the five-minute mark to give it a good stir for good measure. Using the edges of the parchment paper, pull out your granola carefully and let it cool. At this point, you can add in other yummy morsels such as white chocolate chips, raisins, or dried fruit to take it to a whole new level of enjoyment. 

Store your homemade granola in an airtight container to snack on for a few weeks, or just munch away to your stomach's content until you need to make more.