Sunny Anderson Dropped Some Serious Financial Tips On Twitter
Sunny Anderson is a giver. The celebrity chef enjoys serving up delicious recipes, sharing her ultimate secret ingredients, rescuing animals, trolling Bobby Flay on Instagram, and even giving financial tips. The "Down Home with the Neelys" star comes from a disciplined military background so it makes a lot of sense that she has some sound and practical advice for her fans and isn't shy about sharing it.
Last December, Anderson shared with Insider her best ways to save money on food, as well as what pantry items are worth splurging on. Now, as the United States is facing soaring inflation that is at a 41-year high, per The Wall Street Journal, the culinary expert is dropping some serious financial tips. Anderson took to Twitter to divulge some of her own best practices when it comes to both spending and saving money.
Per Famous Chefs, Anderson is worth an estimated $5 million, so she must be doing something right. One of her biggest reveals from her tweets: "I've also not had a credit card or credit since 1998. BOOM." Impressive. So, what else did she have to share?
Sunny Anderson follows a 6-step financial philosophy
Anderson kicked off a Twitter conversation with a six-step financial philosophy. She tweeted: "1. Get paid. 2. Pay your bills. 3. Pay your anxiety (liquid savings). 4. Pay your future (investments). 5. Treat yoself (smaller than 2-4). 6. Repeat." She went on to explain that this works regardless of how much you make and is more dependent on how much you spend. Anderson also notes that these rules have been a part of her life since before she got her big break, writing, "My current career does not dictate my financial abilities, I was preaching this when I made less and was lesser known, I've always had a good relationship with my money or lack of."
There was a lot to glean from the pearls she dropped, but among the highlights, "The Kitchen" host explains that if you're an impulse spender, you should "Make it difficult to get to your savings." She also elaborated on how she goes about making a purchase. If she can't afford to buy two, she says, then she probably can't afford to buy one. We wonder if this applies to Anderson's pantry staples advice.
When one of her followers confessed they couldn't make it past step two, Anderson offered, "Downsize. You could be living above your means. Or find a better paying job and do not upgrade anything else in life. People often make the mistake of living lavish when the check is not lavish." That sounds about right.