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Serena Wolf Reveals Her True Feelings About Martha Stewart - Exclusive

When Serena Wolf launched a blog about her husband Logan's eating habits, she had no idea that it would be the beginning of a successful career. "He wanted to eat slightly healthier," Wolf told Mashed in an exclusive interview, "but had a very terrifying view of health food, and thought he would have to be torturing himself until he died in order to be healthy." Wolf admitted she loves comfort food too and began substituting healthier ingredients into the couple's favorite dishes as a way to keep the foods they love but make them more nutritious. Then, she was introduced to the nutritionist for the New York Giants, who connected her to two players that wanted exactly the type of comfort food she was cooking. Wolf soon became their private chef and refined her cooking style to meet their nutritional needs. The meals she created led to her writing two cookbooks, "The Dude Diet" and "The Dude Diet Dinnertime" — and with a substantial bump from Instagram, Wolf's career took off. 

Her website now has wellness, beauty, style, and entertainment guides, which is very reminiscent of Martha Stewart's empire. In the interview, Wolf admitted that she wants to pursue all of her passions, which also means taking care of one's self in a holistic way. So eating healthy food, dressing nicely, and a skincare regimen are all tied together for her. But Wolf added that she would never insist on perfection because being imperfect is also being human. "We have moved on a bit from the perfection of the Martha Stewart entertaining era," she said. "I think there is a lot more honesty and transparency in the lifestyle space thanks to social media."

Serena Wolf once cooked with Martha Stewart at a fundraiser

Serena Wolf spent many summers with her family at Mount Desert Island in Maine, where her parents grew up. It's a stone's throw from Martha Stewart's 71-acre estate on Seal Harbor, where the lifestyle guru harvests flowers and vegetables from her famous, bounteous gardens. Wolf actually worked beside Stewart when she was asked to participate in a fundraiser for Mount Desert Island Hospital, which she likened to a "really lovely giant dinner party." Wolf made the appetizers, a local chef made the main course, and Stewart made the dessert. The two domestic divas became acquainted, and Wolf made a subsequent appearance on Stewart's radio program. They see each other from time to time at social events, too, and Wolf had only good things to say about Stewart in an interview with Mashed.

"I think Martha's a powerhouse. I have so much respect for the empire that she's built." Wolf added she appreciates Stewart's understated humor and believes she is the gold standard in the culinary world and beyond. "She has a lifestyle empire, doing everything from cooking with Snoop Dogg to creating her recipes," said Wolf who also pointed out that you would be pretty hard-pressed to find someone that hasn't made a Martha Stewart recipe at some point. "She's been part of the cultural conversation for decades now, which is quite impressive." Wolf understands that, in creating her own brand, she has the freedom to expand it however she wants, whether it's skincare, styling advice, or travel tips — and really has Stewart to thank for that. "Martha Stewart really did pioneer that in a way, and we have even more flexibility now to be doing our individual things."

Find out more about Serena Wolf on her website and follow her on Instagram. "The Dude Diet" and "The Dude Diet Dinnertime" are available on Amazon.