Aldi Fans Are Divided On Its Stackerz Potato Chips
Aldi is known for its discount versions of popular snacks and its selection of gluten-free options, so it might surprise you to learn that their take on a cult-favorite chip is, in fact, a divisive subject among some hard-core Aldi fans. The items in question are Clancy's Stackerz chips which, at a glance, look like a basic spin on Pringles. However, once you get past the packaging, you'll be looking at a chip that's actually more like Lay's Stax, in that they're thicker and flavored on the inside curve of the chip instead of the outside (via Aldi Reviewer).
In fact, it seems to be this disparity that's responsible for most of the conflict on the subject of these chips, as one blogger explained: "DO NOT EXPECT THIS to be a knockoff of the national brand that starts with a 'P' and rhymes with 'shingles.' I made that mistake ... and was rather put-off by the difference in taste and texture. Actually, don't expect it to be a knockoff of anything" (via The Budget Reviews). This is probably a fair way to set expectations when shopping at a discount store like Aldi, since comparison is famously the thief of joy, however, it hasn't stopped Aldi shoppers from making comparisons on Reddit.
What fans had to say about Aldi's Stackerz potato chips
Eight months ago, a Reddit post about the Clancy's original flavor Stackerz chips gained almost entirely positive comments (via Reddit). However, a more recent post on the same r/Aldi subreddit reads: "Aldi's take on Pringles is abysmal. I love most of their stuff but how do they mess up something so simple? Is there anything else you can think of, that is a big fat Aldi fail!?" (via Reddit). The post gained 43 upvotes and over 95 comments in the first day, which shows just how provocative it was amongst Aldi fans.
Some came to the defense of the Stackerz, with one person writing: "Aldi's version of pringles are god tier. I will not stand for this blasphemy" and another, slightly more diplomatic commenter added: "My gf loves the aldi stackers and will fight someone over her belief that they are superior to Pringles. I will say that they are very different from pringles and you are allowed your preference." However, this positivity didn't go unchallenged, and plenty of other users came to the post to agree with its core thesis.
What critics had to say about Aldi's Stackerz potato chips
Perhaps the funniest reply to the post came from a user who all-but-blamed the Aldi Stackerz chips for a falling out with their father, writing: "One day back when I lived with family I bought myself a tube of Sour Cream and Onion Pringles. Next day, I go to open them and find my dad ate the entire tube. When I raised it with him, he said he would replace it. He did replace it...with a tube of Aldi rip offs, which were not even the same flavor, let alone anywhere near as good. In separate but not entirely unrelated news, I have not spoken to my father in 5 years." The comment got 29 upvotes.
The negativity didn't end there, and most of the remaining comments were people arguing whether or not Aldi's chips, crackers, and even pasta sauces also qualify as Aldi fails. Luckily, whichever side you take on each product mentioned, there will inevitably be someone in the comments you can agree with.