Kate Hagan Gallup

Photo of Kate Hagan Gallup
Vancouver, WA
University Of Washington
Ecoliving, Health & Wellness, Parenting, Food
  • Kate is a writer and content manager for multiple naturopathic medicine nonprofits.
  • She's a longtime food and beverage industry worker.
  • She's a home cook and amateur foodie.


Kate Hagan Gallup is a mom, wife, writer, digital strategist, and geek. Using her Master's in Information Management, she draws on her most recent roles and digital skills to help share her passion for the natural world and delicious food with a larger audience. Find Kate at Ripley K8 Digital (www.ripleyk8.com).


Kate followed up a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Sciences with a Master of Science in Information Management. Her graduate focus was user experience and content strategy which she used to inform her career in digital strategy, marketing, and writing.
Mashed Editorial Policies

Mashed’s industry-leading coverage is created by qualified and experienced writers, and is reviewed and fact-checked by our editorial team to ensure everything is accurate and timely. Outside experts are also consulted to help deliver factual, up-to-date information.

Our mission is to inform and engage our readers, telling them things they need to know, things they want to know, and things they didn't know they wanted to know about food. We strive to always provide a well-rounded reading experience, whether that’s the news of the day or a new original recipe you can try making at home. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our editorial team constantly reviews and updates articles as necessary. Additional information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Kate Hagan Gallup